June 14, 2012

Reisa Stone: Father's Day

Father's Day Special

In honour of the special men who have supported my love of animals and taught me how to educate pets, I'm offering a $50 fee credit on private Animal Communication sessions and my September Talking With Animals workshop in West Vancouver.
Apply by midnight, Saturday, June 16th, and the first session you book will receive this special credit.
Click here for details
I look forward to speaking with you and your pet. Subscribe to my e-Zine to get advance notice of future special offers! Subscription details on the Home page of my website.

Kind regards,
Reisa Mary Stone
Professional Animal Communicator

June 08, 2012

Reisa Stone: Do Animal Trainers "Whisper"?

I'm not even sure where the idea began: that the special gift some people have with animals is based upon whispering to them.

Even the popular TV show named The Dog Whisperer is a misnomer. Have you ever witnessed Cesar Millan "whispering" to a dog?!

This notion of whispering comes from the fact that the truly great animal trainers use silent telepathic skills. I've verified this with many. They may not call it Animal Communication, but sending and receiving mental images from animals is routine. Want the dog to sit? Visualize her sitting. Want your horse to canter a circle without constantly applying leg, hand and seat aids? Visualize her cantering the circle, effortlessly.

Try this yourself: at a time of day you don't usually walk your dog, visualize him getting his leash and waiting at the door. Or silently tell your horse you'll be at the pasture gate in an hour, with oats. See what happens.

By the way, follow up on those promises. Animals are simple and sincere. Once you lie to them, they'll have a hard time trusting you. Since telepathy is by far their primary form of communication, not following through with a mental image is the same as being verbally lied to, to a human.

By the same token, visualizing one thing while saying another, is very confusing to animals. If you're galloping towards a jump while anticipating a refusal, the outcome is far more likely to be a refusal.
The idea that this is whispering, is a result of the onlookers not hearing the trainer speak. Because Animal Communication is still "woo woo" to the majority, it's not the term trainers use to describe, well, Animal Communication.

Does whispering have a place in animal training? No. Whispering is accompanied by a hiss of air, which is irritating to most creatures. They appreciate a well modulated voice. The closest thing to effective whispering is when you befriend a horse by mutually breathing in each others' nostrils. Chew a mint before doing so, and you have a friend for life!

What most matters is the telepathic and empathic connection. As for giving one word commands: they're efficient for fast paced sports. Otherwise, animals understand complete sentences, particularly when accompanied by mental images. One word, brisk commands are accepted with a mix of amused tolerance and confusion at the human inability to form complete ideas :-D

Yours in the love of animals,
Raisa Stone

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Copyright 2013 Raisa Stone. All rights reserved. If you wish to reprint material from this blog, contact Raisa Stone. Must be reprinted in entirety with all links and credit intact.

Reisa Stone: The Politics of Blogging

Because I do so much personal animal rescue, I receive requests from my blog and newsletter readers to post animal welfare notices. The other day I was asked to post defamatory comments about a veterinarian, then became the recipient of the requester's anger when I called the vet clinic to get their side of the story. I determined quickly that the accusations about the vet were unfounded. I had been set up in a situation, that if I had responded with only my "heart for animals," could have resulted in a lawsuit, as well as distress for the veterinarian.

I love animals and care for their welfare with my entire being. I spend countless hours in direct rescue and advocacy, financed with my own dollars. I'm willing to hear your rescue story, as long as it's based upon facts I can verify. I would no sooner publish or otherwise spread unsubstantiated accusations, than I would tolerate someone doing the same to me.

Thank you for caring about the animals, and supporting my rescue and Animal Communication work.

With love and peace to all,
Reisa Stone

To receive the complimentary Animal Soul Newsletter, with informative articles about animal care, communication and training, visit my website.

Copyright 2013 Reisa Stone. All rights reserved. If you wish to reprint material from this blog, contact Reisa Stone. Must be reprinted in entirety with all links and credit intact.

June 01, 2012

To Rescue Or Not?

Enjoy the latest issue of my Talking With Animals newsletter. Subscribe below.

Kind regards,
Reisa Mary Stone
Animal Communicator