January 11, 2012

Reisa Stone: Is A House Call Necessary?

People have regretfully said to me, "Gee, I wish you lived closer. I'd love to have an Animal Communication!"
You can have your session anywhere in the world.I work from your photographs, with minimal information. I ask for photos with no toys, dishes, blankets, tack, food. That way, you'll know your pet is actually speaking to me. I want you to have confidence that the information is accurate.
Phone calls offer few distractions. My home is quiet and meditative. It's all about Universal energy flowing in certain directions. I find that animal messages are very clear over phone wires, particularly a landline. Cell phones are a little less clear.
Most people lead busy lives. Focus and complete attention on the pet is vital to an Animal Communication session. A ringing phone or doorbell, guests walking in, other pets or children wanting attention---can all take away from this focus.
If it's possible to have your pet near you during the phone reading, his or her response can be a source of feedback. When a client asks me a question on the phone, I ask them for a moment of silence while I speak to the pet. Sometimes, a dozing cat will open an eye, or a dog will move over to his or her guardian and look at the phone. Sometimes the animal will pick up the toy we're discussing!
If I eventually visit you for a follow up, you'll already be convinced your pet has conveyed information to me. The more trusting you feel, the more easily information flows. Your animal needs to know they have your permission to speak to me, so trust is important in many ways.

A follow up may also entail hands on energy healing, or evaluating your horse's movement, tack, etc. 
A house or barn call is unnecessary. A phone session can be even more productive!
Kind regards,
Reisa Stone, Animal Communicator
All posts on the Animal Nation blog are copyright Reisa Stone. They may be Shared in entirety using social media buttons. For permission to reprint, contact Reisa.

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