You can do this on your own, or take turns guiding a friend.
Sit or lie down. Breath deeply. Let your limbs relax, and your jaw drop open.
Imagine yourself at the top of a flight of stairs. Start walking down, still breathing deeply. Count the stairs: 1, 2, 3....
You'll know when you've reached the bottom.
At the bottom of the stairs is a door. Open the door, and you will find yourself in a particular landscape. It may be a forest, a desert, or a completely unfamiliar setting.
Take your time acclimating to this place. Breath in its scents, feel the air temperature, the surface beneath your feet.
As you walk forward, you sense an animal presence. Invite him or her to come forward. This is the pet that most needs to communicate with you. He or she may be alive or in the spirit world, they may be temporarily elsewhere or permanently rehomed.
You may be surprised by which pet it turns out to be. Accept their presence. This is who you are to connect with at this time.
This pet has something to tell you. Your job is to simply listen. Invite them to speak with you whenever they feel the need. Ask them questions. Do not scold.
If you feel you need forgiveness for a misunderstanding, ask them and wait for a response. As most of us have muddled through life not hearing animals when they speak (I'm not perfect, either), I've found this to be powerful and vital part of the exercise.
When their message has been delivered, thank them for the communication.
This is one way to establish and maintain connections with spirit animals, and also create a closer bond with one in the physical. If you connect with a pet in the spirit world, don't be surprised if they visit you again, even unbidden. I'll discuss this phenomena further in future.
When your pet indicates its time for them to leave, thank them. Walk towards the door, and walk up the staircase. Let yourself come gradually out of your very relaxed state.
To solidify your experience, journal it.
This exercise may seem quite short in reading. In a workshop, I would talk you through it in a way that gives everyone ample time for each section. We would further share what we had experienced. In total, this exercise done conscientiously and thoroughly, takes anywhere from 45 minutes to two hours.
Read the first post in the Communicate With Your Pet series.
Animal Communication learning materials are available on my website.
Kind regards,
Raisa Stone
Animal Communicator
Painting: Quite a Deal, Thoroughbred stallion by Reisa Stone. You can buy Dealer on products at my Zazzle.ca store, SpiritHorses.
posts on the Animal Nation blog are copyright Raisa Stone. They
may be Shared in entirety using social media buttons. Otherwise, contact Raisa for reprint permission.
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