September 02, 2013

Reisa Stone: Could You Be An Animal Communicator?

Here is a reprint of my recent article, published by Yahoo!:

Everyone talks to their pets. I hear them reply. I've had this gift from childhood, and you probably did too. In North American society, it's not considered "normal" to feel such extreme empathy with non-human species, that we can hear them. The good news is, anyone can re-learn the intuitive skills to understand what animals think, feel and want.

I love my job. I help animals make themselves understood. Sometimes, a session makes the difference between a pet owner deciding to really work on an issue, and getting rid of the animal. It's very gratifying to hear that my work helped a person and their companion achieve harmony.

Here are five amazing things about being an Animal Communicator:

1. Pets are eager to speak.

They're constantly trying to communicate with their loved ones. The smallest effort on your part to acknowledge their messages, will result in clearer communication. They usually only vocalize when a message is short and urgent. Most of their conversations are silent, and conveyed through telepathy.

If an animal is exhibiting distressing behavior, there's a good reason behind it. Visit your vet first, to rule out physical causes.

Animal Communicators reveal the reasons behind such behaviors as: inappropriate soiling, aggression, fearfulness, resistance to training, anxiety, depression, destructiveness, etc. Often, the cause isn't apparent, and it's usually unique.

I've spoken with dogs who are aggressive because their owner has unresolved issues from a past assault (they're protecting her!), horses who are losing classes at shows because they're grieving a former barn mate, and cats who avoid the litter box because they hate sharing.

Like us, animals have color, odor and texture preferences. I once spoke with a dog who was peeing in the house because she hated her pink T-shirt! As I only had a plain photo of her face, her owner was astonished that her dog had conveyed such specific information.

What all these pets had in common was their eagerness to express their points of view. Just talking will start to relieve distressing symptoms. From there, I suggest further resources: training classes, a productive activity, desensitization.

In every instance, the pet has thanked me for listening to them.

2. You already have six intuitive senses. They only need practice to grow.
They are:

  • Hearing (clairaudience)
  • Seeing (clairvoyance)
  • Tasting (clairgustation)
  • Smelling (clairaliance)
  • Feeling (clairsentience)
  • Knowing (claircognizance)
These are all legitimate ways to understand animal messages. If you've ever known who is calling before picking up the phone, or known something "in your gut," then you're already in touch with strong intuitive messages.

Evaluate which of your senses are strongest, and focus on strengthening them. As you do, the others will also grow. I have tools on my website for developing your intuition.

I have use of all six. Two are uncommon, but often provide me with valuable information: smelling and tasting. With these, I've been able to tell clients what food their pet eats (and what they'd like to), and even sometimes identify specific brands of household products that are irritating animals and causing allergic symptoms.

The ability to be this specific also establishes confidence in the client that I'm actually communicating with their pet.

3. Animal consciousness is in the special "zone" we achieve through meditation.

You need a regular meditation practice. It doesn't have to be boring.You need to still your mind and suspend judgments in order to hear animal messages. Meditation can be still, or consist of movement such as yoga or walking in Nature. Some people find sports practice to be meditative. Music and dance can also serve as meditative tools.

4. Animal Communication has its basis in both ancient spiritual wisdom and in quantum physics.

Physicists are now finding the explanation for telepathy in the energetic emissions present in all objects and life forms. Animal Communicators read these energetic messages.

Former Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell writes about this extensively. Dr. Bernie Siegel, renowned author of "Love, Medicine and Miracles," has gone public with his skill of Animal Communication.

Don't worry. You don't need a PhD or MD in order to be an Animal Communicator. I do find it useful to have the scientific facts at hand for curious inquirers.

In my own Ukrainian culture, we honor this gift to the extent we all acknowledge it on Christmas Eve.

Humanity would not have been able to survive, evolve or domesticate animals without being able to communicate. In conversations with a man from Ghana, I learned his surprise that most North Americans can't hear animals.

Animal Communication is our proud human heritage.

5. Practice makes (nearly) perfect.

In order to become reliable, you need to speak with many animals and verify basic facts.

I recommend practicing with animals you don't know, but with whom you have permission to speak. Starting with your own pets lacks objectivity. If their issues reflect your own, it will be much harder to hear them. It's always easier to look at someone else.

Your Internet friends are a valuable asset. Ask people you've never met to send you clear photos of their pets, along with a few questions. Request that the photos show the open eyes, and don't have any environmental clues such as toys, tack, beds, harnesses, etc. You'll find yourself flooded with practice materials!

After speaking with someone's pet, verify your information. Don't become discouraged by your misses. No one in the world is 100% accurate in their profession. An Animal Communicator pulls information from "thin air," which is reason enough to be proud of your successes. 70% accuracy is an acceptable standard for professional intuitives.

Animal Communication is a rewarding profession that can help countless animals and people to develop harmonious relationships. I feel grateful to both have and to teach these skills.


Enjoy Awaken the Gift of Animal Communication and Heart to Heart, guided journeys that will zoom you into the "animal zone" of consciousness. If you have any difficulty tuning out distracting thoughts in order to meditate: these learning tools engage the part of your brain that needs to be entertained :-D

To access my instructional materials, click here.

I hope you enjoyed the long weekend. Have a lovely week!
Yours in the love of animals,
Raisa Stone

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Copyright 2013 Raisa Stone. All rights reserved. If you wish to reprint material from this blog, contact Raisa Stone. Must be reprinted in entirety with all links and credit intact. By their terms, this Yahoo! article may be linked to, but not reprinted.



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