Hear me discuss Rainbow Bridge contact and the role of animal communication in rescue, on PAWSITIVE Radio!
Guest: Reisa Mary Stone 07/21 by chammond | Blog Talk Radio
July 22, 2012
Reisa Stone on Pawsitive Radio
Hear me discuss the role of Animal Communication in rescue, and Rainbow Bridge contact on PAWSITIVE Radio! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/chammond/2012/07/21/guest-reisa-mary-stone
June 14, 2012
Reisa Stone: Father's Day

Father's Day Special
In honour of the special men who have supported my love of animals and taught me how to educate pets, I'm offering a $50 fee credit on private Animal Communication sessions and my September Talking With Animals workshop in West Vancouver.
Apply by midnight, Saturday, June 16th, and the first session you book will receive this special credit.
Click here for details
I look forward to speaking with you and your pet. Subscribe to my e-Zine to get advance notice of future special offers! Subscription details on the Home page of my website.
Kind regards,
Reisa Mary Stone
Professional Animal Communicator
Kind regards,
Reisa Mary Stone
Professional Animal Communicator
June 08, 2012
Reisa Stone: Do Animal Trainers "Whisper"?

Even the popular TV show named The Dog Whisperer is a misnomer. Have you ever witnessed Cesar Millan "whispering" to a dog?!
This notion of whispering comes from the fact that the truly great animal trainers use silent telepathic skills. I've verified this with many. They may not call it Animal Communication, but sending and receiving mental images from animals is routine. Want the dog to sit? Visualize her sitting. Want your horse to canter a circle without constantly applying leg, hand and seat aids? Visualize her cantering the circle, effortlessly.
Try this yourself: at a time of day you don't usually walk your dog, visualize him getting his leash and waiting at the door. Or silently tell your horse you'll be at the pasture gate in an hour, with oats. See what happens.
By the way, follow up on those promises. Animals are simple and sincere. Once you lie to them, they'll have a hard time trusting you. Since telepathy is by far their primary form of communication, not following through with a mental image is the same as being verbally lied to, to a human.
By the same token, visualizing one thing while saying another, is very confusing to animals. If you're galloping towards a jump while anticipating a refusal, the outcome is far more likely to be a refusal.The idea that this is whispering, is a result of the onlookers not hearing the trainer speak. Because Animal Communication is still "woo woo" to the majority, it's not the term trainers use to describe, well, Animal Communication.
Does whispering have a place in animal training? No. Whispering is accompanied by a hiss of air, which is irritating to most creatures. They appreciate a well modulated voice. The closest thing to effective whispering is when you befriend a horse by mutually breathing in each others' nostrils. Chew a mint before doing so, and you have a friend for life!
What most matters is the telepathic and empathic connection. As for giving one word commands: they're efficient for fast paced sports. Otherwise, animals understand complete sentences, particularly when accompanied by mental images. One word, brisk commands are accepted with a mix of amused tolerance and confusion at the human inability to form complete ideas :-D
Yours in the love of animals,
Raisa Stone
Join me on Facebook
To receive the complimentary Animal Soul Newsletter, with informative articles about animal care, communication and training, visit my website.
Copyright 2013 Raisa Stone. All rights reserved. If you wish to reprint material from this blog, contact Raisa Stone. Must be reprinted in entirety with all links and credit intact.
Copyright 2013 Raisa Stone. All rights reserved. If you wish to reprint material from this blog, contact Raisa Stone. Must be reprinted in entirety with all links and credit intact.
Reisa Stone: The Politics of Blogging
Because I do so much personal animal rescue, I receive requests from my blog and newsletter readers to post animal welfare notices. The other day I was asked to post defamatory comments about a veterinarian, then became the recipient of the requester's anger when I called the vet clinic to get their side of the story. I determined quickly that the accusations about the vet were unfounded. I had been set up in a situation, that if I had responded with only my "heart for animals," could have resulted in a lawsuit, as well as distress for the veterinarian.
I love animals and care for their welfare with my entire being. I spend countless hours in direct rescue and advocacy, financed with my own dollars. I'm willing to hear your rescue story, as long as it's based upon facts I can verify. I would no sooner publish or otherwise spread unsubstantiated accusations, than I would tolerate someone doing the same to me.
Thank you for caring about the animals, and supporting my rescue and Animal Communication work.
With love and peace to all,
Reisa Stone
I love animals and care for their welfare with my entire being. I spend countless hours in direct rescue and advocacy, financed with my own dollars. I'm willing to hear your rescue story, as long as it's based upon facts I can verify. I would no sooner publish or otherwise spread unsubstantiated accusations, than I would tolerate someone doing the same to me.
Thank you for caring about the animals, and supporting my rescue and Animal Communication work.
With love and peace to all,
Reisa Stone
To receive the complimentary Animal Soul Newsletter, with informative articles about animal care, communication and training, visit my website.
Copyright 2013 Reisa Stone. All rights reserved. If you wish to reprint material from this blog, contact Reisa Stone. Must be reprinted in entirety with all links and credit intact.
Copyright 2013 Reisa Stone. All rights reserved. If you wish to reprint material from this blog, contact Reisa Stone. Must be reprinted in entirety with all links and credit intact.
June 01, 2012
To Rescue Or Not?

Enjoy the latest issue of my Talking With Animals newsletter. Subscribe below.
Kind regards,
Reisa Mary Stone
Animal Communicator
May 30, 2012
Raisa Stone: In Praise of Small Dogs

When I was a veterinary assistant, I even landed in a clinic where the groomer despised small dogs. She had special mean names for them. We all laughed. Looking back, it wasn't funny.
Thankfully, I was well on the road to small dog appreciation before I went professional as an Animal Communicator. When you make the transition from "picking and choosing" your rescues to cooperating with big rescues, you work with who's in front of you.
To my surprise and delight (and some self-recrimination), I found a world of brilliant personalities.
Here's what I now know about small dogs:
-Small dogs have the same needs and desires as big dogs. They want to: run, play, socialize, scratch, eat yummy things, roll in stinky stuff, have sex, be part of a pack, sleep in your bed, protect you, have a job, know their place is the home, chew bones, and be with you.
-Though every small dog has the heart of their wolf ancestors, they feel extremely vulnerable due to their size. They can be afraid of: too many feet (on sidewalks and at festivals), people and other dogs approaching too quickly, being picked up without permission, children, loud noises, tall objects, cars, bicycles.
Part of what I do as an AC is actually "go inside" the animal's body and experience the world through their senses. It is quite frustrating and frightening to be a small creature in a world of large ones.
Small dog advice:
-Don't carry them around when they can walk. They find this embarrassing. It subjects them to razzing from larger dogs. Carrying them in your pink purse, is, well, like dressing kids in frou frou clothing. Pick them up only in unfamiliar or crowded situations. As well, lack of weight bearing exercise can cause osteoporosis;
-Housetrain them as rigorously as any large dog. Pee pads and ignoring "accidents" because they're small, is a subversion of their strong natural instincts to potty outdoors. It eats into their self esteem and makes them anxious. Is it acceptable to go in your pants when you only have to go "a little bit"? You'll also find yourself more welcome, socially. No matter how nice your friends are, believe me, they talk about the pee pads and newspapers behind your back;
-Adult large breeds make the best pets for children. Small dogs, especially puppies, are easily injured;
-Give your dog stature. Whenever you can, put them up on a (safe) chair or bench beside you. A small dog likes to view her surroundings. The other day I facilitated this for a mini Poodle at a powwow. She had been cowering under a chair, fine with the drums but terrified of dancing feet. I suggested her Mom put her bed on a chair. The little sprite stopped shaking, looked me warmly in the eye, and in a wee, high voice, said, "Thank you!";
If you leave them during the day, give them a safe perch that lets them watch the world outside. As a dog ages, they may need steps to reach their perch. Don't mistake their gameness to jump and please you, as unlimited ability to do so;
-Don't for one moment think of them as a "toy." They have the same feelings and needs as anyone. Give them big beefy bones they can growl over. Let them socialize with other dogs;
-Use your good sense and compassion when choosing accessories. Many small dogs are mortified by the costumes they're forced to wear, and act this out with misbehaviour and anxiety. I'll say it again, "Dogs make fun of each other, just like we do!" Don't work out your own fashion issues on your pet.
I deal with clothing/collar/blanket/dish/tack preferences all the time in my practice. Yes, they do see colour. Yes, they care about texture. Think about how very simple animals' possessions are, and that they don't have the ability to change these. If you sense discomfort, leave it off, or ask an Animal Communicator;
-Give them a job, whether it's fetching one slipper at a time or an agility routine;
-Recognize that much of the time, the "yapping" other people complain about is a combination of being treated as though they're not dogs, and their desire to protect you---along with the knowledge they can't really do the job. Build their self esteem in other ways;
-Small dog breeds have some special health needs. Read up on your breed. Many have poor teeth, and need extra dental care. White dogs can tend towards deafness.
And please: if you're thinking of acquiring a small dog, look to local rescues and shelters first. Such genuinely nice dogs get dumped. The Spaniel in the photo was an unclaimed stray, with not a thing wrong with him physically or behaviourally. The main reason people get rid of pets, is because they don't realize how much responsibility they are. In BC, we have a double problem: low vacancies at exorbitant rates, with landlords who don't allow pets.
If you're thinking of adopting, please feel free to consult with me. I can look at rescues' photos and give you an idea of their personalities. A session with me can save you much time and effort.
Here's to small dogs, and the people who love them!
Kind regards,
Raisa Stone
Expert Animal Communicator
Join me on Facebook
To receive the complimentary Animal Soul Newsletter, with informative articles about animal care, communication and training, visit my website.
Copyright 2013 Raisa Stone. All rights reserved. If you wish to reprint material from this blog, contact Raisa Stone. Must be reprinted in entirety with all links and credit intact.
Copyright 2013 Raisa Stone. All rights reserved. If you wish to reprint material from this blog, contact Raisa Stone. Must be reprinted in entirety with all links and credit intact.
May 16, 2012
Reisa Stone: Are Animals Our Mirrors?

The other thing that bothers me is the simplistic and judgmental values that can be attached to the concept of "mirror."
I volunteered hands on hours at a horse rescue. A big gray Thoroughbred mare had an unpredictable personality. She was all sweetness one moment, then would strike like a snake with hooves or teeth the next.
I tried to speak with her and simply brush her long neck. She turned a soft, sweet eye and voice one moment, then aggressively lunged with her teeth the next. She had nailed one volunteer in the knee, and others had marginally missed being injured. I told the volunteer trainer that this mare needed to be sent away to a professional to work with her troubled soul.
She had been a race horse, and found the betrayal of being intensely worked with one hour per day, then isolated in her bathroom (stall) for the other twenty-three, too much to bear. She was more like an angry cat than a horse. Mad at the world and also lacking horsey social skills due to this isolation, she even badly injured a sweet little mare who tried to befriend her. At 1100 lbs., making her safe would take many hours of daily commitment.
"Animals are our mirrors," responded the amateur trainer. Then came the kind of New Age judgmental statement that serves no one, "If you experience her as temperamental, you need to look at yourself."
I leaned on the fence as this philosopher worked with the gray mare in the round pen. The mare charged her. She came towards the woman with head in a low, submissive posture. Quick as a wink, she turned and expertly aimed her rear hooves at the "trainer's" head. I held my breath as the mare did this three times, her aim precise and muscular. She missed the middle of the trainer's face by scant inches.
To my amazement, the woman pretended nothing was wrong! She did not even practice the basic round pen technique, which is to first "join up" (create trust), then "send away" (make the horse run laps) when there is misbehaviour.
She was in mortal danger from a horse that had learned somewhere that the only way to deal with tricky humans, was to out-trick us. I felt compassion for the mare, but compassion does not mean allowing yourself to be damaged.
Not calling her on this behaviour was (a) dangerous to humans; (b) dangerous to the mare, as horses who act this way often end their lives at slaughter; (c) not fair to potential adopters, who were not told of the mare's unbalanced nature. Dishonest adoptions can end in disaster.
What I find to be true: animals are not our "mirrors." They are our Master Teachers. Mirrors usually teach us to be self-critical. Teachers educate us in how to work with our self-image, which is far more complex than a one-dimensional, literal reflection.
Animals are no more our mirrors than are our friends, our partners, our coworkers. They are fellow travelers in life, opportunities to further our soul's growth. They are not mimics.
Absolutely, this big gray mare had lessons to teach. As I had been badly injured by a horse with similar behaviours years ago, my own lesson was to not bite off more than I could chew. I could not change her behaviour with my minimal volunteer hours.
Nor could I count on anyone to reinforce any positive steps I did take with her. With my now crushed spine (I can walk, but cope with chronic pain), it would be foolish to play SuperHorsewoman and volunteer extra hours to help.
No, my original assessment was sound. If there was any mirror at all, it showed me how much I've matured. I no longer pride myself on being able to "ride anything with four legs and hair." No one can.
Until similar horse management issues at this rescue became overwhelming and I left, I turned my energy to the willing horses. They needed me as much as the dangerous ones. This is also a "people lesson" for me.
Whether it's biting, kicking, soiling, digging, barking, timidity or another distressing behaviour, raise your antennae when someone throws a thinly veiled criticism at you. This is different from a professional being forthright, using language you understand and have the tools to debate.
There is an abundance of specialized language floating around out there, from the concepts of Natural Horsemanship to various yogic disciplines to religious fundamentalism and alternative spiritualities/therapies. Whether you reach out to a trainer, a coach or an Animal Communicator, look for someone who guides you towards discovering what your pet is trying to teach you. That takes plain talk and common sense.
Your friend in the love of animals,
Reisa Stone
I'm Dr. Dolittle. Questions?
Join me on Facebook
To receive the complimentary Animal Soul Newsletter, with informative articles about animal care, communication and training, visit my website.
Copyright 2013 Reisa Stone. All rights reserved. If you wish to reprint material from this blog, contact Reisa Stone. Must be reprinted in entirety with all links and credit intact.
Copyright 2013 Reisa Stone. All rights reserved. If you wish to reprint material from this blog, contact Reisa Stone. Must be reprinted in entirety with all links and credit intact.
April 30, 2012
Reisa Stone: Talking With Animals in Aldergrove
The Aldergrove Star published an article about my upcoming Talking With Animals workshop at Silver Star Stables. Don't miss this mini-workshop!
April 18, 2012
Reisa Stone: Five Steps To A Happier, Healthier Pet
Woo hoo! My article, Five Steps to a Happier, Healthier Pet is a cover story for Black Cat White Dog Newspaper this month. Pick up your copy at a fine pet venue in BC's Lower Mainland (BCWD's website lists these on their site), or click this link to read online. I'm on page eight.
Love and light to you and your pet,
Reisa Stone
Expert Animal Communicator
Love and light to you and your pet,
Reisa Stone
Expert Animal Communicator
Join me on Facebook
To receive the complimentary Animal Soul Newsletter, with informative articles about animal care, communication and training, visit my website.
Copyright 2013 Reisa Stone. All rights reserved. If you wish to reprint material from this blog, contact Reisa Stone. Must be reprinted in entirety with all links and credit intact.
Copyright 2013 Reisa Stone. All rights reserved. If you wish to reprint material from this blog, contact Reisa Stone. Must be reprinted in entirety with all links and credit intact.
April 11, 2012
Animal Communication Events
Thank you to the 43 animal lovers who attended the Love and Light to Bunnies and Chicks Event! I know our efforts raised awareness for some people who would otherwise have thoughtlessly bought living creatures as gifts this past weekend.
I must say though, if you're looking for a quiet, clean house pet and have done your research (please!), adopting a bunny from a rescue may be one of the best moves you've ever made. There are rescues devoted strictly to bunnies, and bunnies are commonly found at mixed shelters, as well. Vancouver Animal Control always has some nice ones.
To stay on top of events, Subscribe to the newsletter. I'm accepting new private clients. Please apply through my website for a free phone consult. I look forward to hearing from you!
Sharing the love of animals,
Raisa Mary Stone
Animal Communicator
I must say though, if you're looking for a quiet, clean house pet and have done your research (please!), adopting a bunny from a rescue may be one of the best moves you've ever made. There are rescues devoted strictly to bunnies, and bunnies are commonly found at mixed shelters, as well. Vancouver Animal Control always has some nice ones.
To stay on top of events, Subscribe to the newsletter. I'm accepting new private clients. Please apply through my website for a free phone consult. I look forward to hearing from you!
Sharing the love of animals,
Raisa Mary Stone
Animal Communicator
April 01, 2012
Reisa Stone: Love & Light to Bunnies & Chicks
Please join us in raising awareness and improving the lives of bunnies and chicks that are bought on impulse at Easter, then neglected or discarded.
I've posted meditations and prayers for the thousands of vulnerable creatures that suffer, on a Facebook Event. Due to passionate participant interest, this event is extended till
April 8th.
Our fantasy of pet bunnies
The harsh reality of many bunnies. According to Rabbit Advocacy, only 5% survive to one year of age.
This Easter, Make Mine Chocolate!
For more information on what you can do to help Easter bunnies & chicks, click here.
Kind regards,
Reisa Stone
Animal Communicator
I've posted meditations and prayers for the thousands of vulnerable creatures that suffer, on a Facebook Event. Due to passionate participant interest, this event is extended till
April 8th.
Our fantasy of pet bunnies
This Easter, Make Mine Chocolate!
For more information on what you can do to help Easter bunnies & chicks, click here.
Kind regards,
Reisa Stone
Animal Communicator
March 26, 2012
Horses Are Spirit Driven
Wonderful quote from trainer Carolyn Resnick:
horse can recognize a horse lover. People who are full of joy, or
strongly sad, or who have a spiritual connection to nature are like
magnets to horses. The more heart you have for life, the stronger the
connection you have to share. Horses are mostly spirit-driven and are
drawn to people who are drawn to them."
March 24, 2012
Reisa Stone: Clean Your Pet's Teeth
Whoops, got sidetracked. A couple of blog posts inbetween my starting to discuss home pet grooming.
Dogs and cats need their teeth cleaned regularly. Once a week is good, three times a week is ideal. Further down, I'll teach you how.
I'm always seeking the pet's point of view. In communications, animals tell me that having their mouths touched is an intimate act, and can be quite threatening. Because most pets cannot use their paws/hooves as fingers, their mouth is a tool and a weapon!
Imagine if your hands were tied behind your back, and you had to do everything with your mouth. How would you react if someone pried open your mouth, and began fiddling?
Now imagine that people acted as if they didn't hear you when you spoke, and did things to you without your consent. If you were not fed, you couldn't obtain food with your hands. You had to grab with your mouth. You use your mouth to clean your babies. If someone took your babies away from you and you growled or snapped, you were reprimanded.
Dogs take great pride in biting, as do horses. They use their mouths as mutual grooming tools, and as boundary signals. When they consent to play with us while keeping their teeth "masked," they're doing so consciously, and with great consideration for our fragile skin!
I form explicit agreements with animals regarding this. I love when a horse grooms me by swirling her lips in my hair. But first, I get her agreement she will keep her teeth closed.
Respect your pet's absolute right to be sensitive about his or her mouth.
Always explain what you're doing, and why.
Dogs and cats need their teeth cleaned regularly. Once a week is good, three times a week is ideal. Further down, I'll teach you how.
I'm always seeking the pet's point of view. In communications, animals tell me that having their mouths touched is an intimate act, and can be quite threatening. Because most pets cannot use their paws/hooves as fingers, their mouth is a tool and a weapon!
Imagine if your hands were tied behind your back, and you had to do everything with your mouth. How would you react if someone pried open your mouth, and began fiddling?
Now imagine that people acted as if they didn't hear you when you spoke, and did things to you without your consent. If you were not fed, you couldn't obtain food with your hands. You had to grab with your mouth. You use your mouth to clean your babies. If someone took your babies away from you and you growled or snapped, you were reprimanded.
Dogs take great pride in biting, as do horses. They use their mouths as mutual grooming tools, and as boundary signals. When they consent to play with us while keeping their teeth "masked," they're doing so consciously, and with great consideration for our fragile skin!
I form explicit agreements with animals regarding this. I love when a horse grooms me by swirling her lips in my hair. But first, I get her agreement she will keep her teeth closed.
Respect your pet's absolute right to be sensitive about his or her mouth.
Always explain what you're doing, and why.
Horses' teeth are supposed to look green, brown and huge. I know, it's a shock. They're gorgeous and graceful in every respect, then they open their mouths...
Horses do need a dental "float" annually. That means a qualified person (usually your vet) uses a file to rasp down any sharp edges. Their teeth can wear unevenly and cause pain. Bits wear down teeth to the point that this was a major identifier to archaeologists that horses were domesticated in my home country of Ukraine.
Sore, cracked or uneven teeth can cause lameness, as a horse will carry their head awkwardly trying to soothe the pain. This affects stance and gait.
Make sure the person you hire to do this is fully qualified. Dental work on horses is not simple, and may require sedation. If you decide to hire a non-vet, get references.
Make sure the person you hire to do this is fully qualified. Dental work on horses is not simple, and may require sedation. If you decide to hire a non-vet, get references.
Rabbits' and guinea pigs' teeth are "open rooted." They grow continuously, and do not need cleaning. They need things to chew. Rabbits do best with pine cones and apple wood branches---make sure no pesticide has been applied. Guinea pigs', hamsters' and rats' teeth are usually fine with hard food and veggies. Check anyway, especially if you obtained your pet from someone else. People feed all kinds of strange things. Your pet may also have had trauma from being dropped, hit, or being in a fight. This can certainly affect their teeth.
If a rabbit's or guinea pig's teeth overgrow, you need a vet to clip them. They can overgrow to the point they pierce your pet's cheeks, and/or cause them to stop eating.
Birds, of course, do not have teeth. But an overgrown beak can cause them to starve. Keep them trimmed with a cuttle bone in the cage. If you rescue a bird with an overgrown beak, it is imperative they see a vet ASAP. Bird metabolism is so high, they can drop dead within 48 hours if they don't eat. Some people believe putting gravel in a cup or the bottom of the cage trims their beaks. Nope. This is for a different purpose.
To clean a dog's teeth: If fed from puppyhood, raw meaty beef bones can keep their teeth clean. If teeth are already plaque-ridden, you'll have to manually clean.
Dog biscuits and dry food do not do the job, despite the advertising. Letting a pet's teeth accumulate tartar can cause:
Dog biscuits and dry food do not do the job, despite the advertising. Letting a pet's teeth accumulate tartar can cause:
-bad breath
-gum disease
-heart disease from bacteria migrating through the system
-significant vet bills and stress on their bodies from cleaning under anesthesia
As always, tell them what's going to happen. Dip a piece of clean gauze in dog toothpaste, and rub in a circular motion. You can even start with just beef broth and your fingers, to get them loving the idea. Make it fun and pleasurable, like a gum massage.
Do not use human toothpaste, as pets will not rinse and spit. You can also use baking soda mixed with beef broth to form a paste.
Over time as your dog relaxes with teeth cleaning, introduce a very soft toothbrush. Some pet stores have specialty ones, but I use a child's brush.
Once your dog has accepted the above, buy a plaque dental tool. This is a metal device that scrapes the plaque very well. Make sure to get the back teeth, as these are usually the dirtiest. Brush teeth after scraping.
Cats love tuna water or broth, and will usually cooperate with you offering your fingers dipped in "fish sauce." Move on to a tuna broth gum massage, then gauze. Be patient. This may take several sessions, even weeks of time.
There's fish flavour kitty toothpaste, too. Or make a paste with fish broth and baking soda.
For any pet: never force. Count every little step forward as big progress.
Foster pride in clean teeth, the same way you would in a child. Again remembering how vital a tool they consider their mouths, tell them their sparkling white teeth look nice, and are very sharp and intimidating. Thank them for allowing you to touch their mouths.
Foster pride in clean teeth, the same way you would in a child. Again remembering how vital a tool they consider their mouths, tell them their sparkling white teeth look nice, and are very sharp and intimidating. Thank them for allowing you to touch their mouths.
A little understanding and respect goes a long way.
Kind regards,
Raisa Stone
Join me on Facebook
To receive the complimentary Animal Soul Newsletter, with informative articles about animal care, communication and training, visit my website.
Copyright 2013 Raisa Stone. All rights reserved. If you wish to reprint material from this blog, contact Raisa Stone. Must be reprinted in entirety with all links and credit intact.
Copyright 2013 Raisa Stone. All rights reserved. If you wish to reprint material from this blog, contact Raisa Stone. Must be reprinted in entirety with all links and credit intact.
March 18, 2012
Reisa Stone: Grooming the Short Haired House Pet
First and most important, tell your pet you're going to groom her. Explain that it will feel good, and it will feel even better as time goes on.
Assemble your grooming tools. You need: a soft bristle brush----please, no wire brushes---a soft white cloth, cotton pads (makeup removers), extra virgin olive oil, a dental scaler and a soft toothbrush. For cleaning teeth, you can use baking soda, or a specialty pet toothpaste. Do teeth last, and have treats handy to take away the taste of the soda.
Nail clipping is a subject for another time.
Nail clipping is a subject for another time.
Let your pet sniff the tools, and explain each one. Many people simply start applying a strange object to an animal's body, then are surprised when they get a negative reaction. How would you feel in your pet's place?
Start by brushing gently on your pet's neck and back, always along the lay of the hair. Brushing against the lay hurts, and serves only to break healthy hair and create more shedding.
Use the brush near her eyes and genitals once she is obviously comfortable with the brush on less sensitive areas. You don't want a sudden movement to poke your pet, and make them reluctant to be groomed. Talk to her, tell her what a good girl she is. You can also tell your pet they will be swallowing less hair from now on when they clean themselves :-D
Use the brush near her eyes and genitals once she is obviously comfortable with the brush on less sensitive areas. You don't want a sudden movement to poke your pet, and make them reluctant to be groomed. Talk to her, tell her what a good girl she is. You can also tell your pet they will be swallowing less hair from now on when they clean themselves :-D
Finish your brushing session by wiping your pet from head to tail with a soft flannel cloth. I use white, as it shows me anything I may have missed. If for example, you see tiny dark spots (flea poop), you can at least catch the fleas before they become a bigger problem.
To clean ears: dip the cotton pad in extra virgin olive oil. OO is a skin nutrient with no toxic properties. I highly discourage using petroleum-based products such as Vaseline or baby oil. Gently swab inside the ear only as far as you can see. Take a clean pad, dip it in oil, and squeeze a couple of drops into the ear canal. Do not probe. Over the next 2-3 days, excess wax and dirt will float to where you can easily swab it with a pad. Do not use Q-Tips. A sudden head shake (common when cleaning ears) can cause injury to the ear drum.
If there is an obvious excess of dark wax, and particularly if the ear smells bad and/or your pet has been scratching, you may need to see the vet. Ear mites or an infection can cause these symptoms.
Again, keep explaining to your pet what you are doing, and why. Since all animals clean themselves and groom each other naturally, they will understand the concept.
Keep at it, persistently and lovingly. Do not show any impatience. Never restrain and force. If your pet is reactive to certain areas being touched, use it as an opportunity to understand and empathize with their sensitivities. If you are not your pet's first home, you never know what may have happened to them. This is one of the areas Animal Communication can really help.
Eventually, your pet will look forward to being groomed. They simply need to connect the sometimes uncomfortable process with feeling better. As I said in my initial post, grooming is an intense bonding experience.
Eventually, your pet will look forward to being groomed. They simply need to connect the sometimes uncomfortable process with feeling better. As I said in my initial post, grooming is an intense bonding experience.
In my next blog post, I'll discuss dental scaling and brushing. Horse grooming is its own topic. I'm an old "A" circuit show groom, so I may even bore you with tips and tricks :-D
Re: long haired pets. It's really best to have a groomer show you how to groom them. If they've developed mats, for example, this can require expert assistance.
Re: long haired pets. It's really best to have a groomer show you how to groom them. If they've developed mats, for example, this can require expert assistance.
With great love to you and your pet,
Raisa Stone
Animal Communicator
March 11, 2012
Reisa Stone: Why Bother Grooming Your Pet?
What's the point of grooming your pet?
For long haired pet, the answer is obvious. It doesn't take long for their coats to become a tangled, matted mess that attracts dirt and foreign objects. Skin infections lurk beneath, and accumulated body fluids can create an almost unbearable odour.
Your long haired pet may or may not require professional grooming. If you're diligent with daily detangling and brushing, they may be just fine. But let a few days go by...
Why groom short haired or any pets? There are a number of reasons:
-To distribute skin oil through the coat, which keeps it beautifully shiny
-To run your hands over your pet daily, catching bumps, bruises, heat, swelling, ticks or burrs before they can turn into something nasty. There are cases where cancer or an ingrowing foreign object did not have to result in a miserable death, if it had been caught early with routine inspection
-Grooming is a bonding ritual throughout the animal kingdom. The act itself draws the two of you closer, and may prevent or even solve some problem behaviors
-It contributes to muscle and skin tone. Skin is the largest organ of the body. Grooming helps keep it healthy
-To create a feeling of well being in both of you. Physical touch releases endorphins, the "feel good chemical," in both pets and humans
-To brush away loose hair that otherwise ends up on your clothes and furniture
-To clean debris that causes irritation to delicate tissues, such as eyes, nose and genitals. Imagine having something in your eye, and not being able to work it out.
Enjoy your daily grooming session. Make it a special time for you and your pet!
By the way, if you're wondering if there's more you can do for rescues and shelter pets: Groom them! They may have never received this type of attention in their lives.
In a future blog post, I'll discuss grooming tools and methods.
Kind regards,
Raisa Stone
Expert Animal Communicator
For long haired pet, the answer is obvious. It doesn't take long for their coats to become a tangled, matted mess that attracts dirt and foreign objects. Skin infections lurk beneath, and accumulated body fluids can create an almost unbearable odour.
Your long haired pet may or may not require professional grooming. If you're diligent with daily detangling and brushing, they may be just fine. But let a few days go by...
Why groom short haired or any pets? There are a number of reasons:
-To distribute skin oil through the coat, which keeps it beautifully shiny
-To run your hands over your pet daily, catching bumps, bruises, heat, swelling, ticks or burrs before they can turn into something nasty. There are cases where cancer or an ingrowing foreign object did not have to result in a miserable death, if it had been caught early with routine inspection
-Grooming is a bonding ritual throughout the animal kingdom. The act itself draws the two of you closer, and may prevent or even solve some problem behaviors
-It contributes to muscle and skin tone. Skin is the largest organ of the body. Grooming helps keep it healthy
-To create a feeling of well being in both of you. Physical touch releases endorphins, the "feel good chemical," in both pets and humans
-To brush away loose hair that otherwise ends up on your clothes and furniture
-To clean debris that causes irritation to delicate tissues, such as eyes, nose and genitals. Imagine having something in your eye, and not being able to work it out.
Enjoy your daily grooming session. Make it a special time for you and your pet!
By the way, if you're wondering if there's more you can do for rescues and shelter pets: Groom them! They may have never received this type of attention in their lives.
In a future blog post, I'll discuss grooming tools and methods.
Kind regards,
Raisa Stone
Expert Animal Communicator
To receive the complimentary Animal Soul Newsletter, with informative articles about animal care, communication and training, visit my website.
Copyright 2013 Raisa Stone. All rights reserved. If you wish to reprint material from this blog, contact Raisa Stone. Must be reprinted in entirety with all links and credit intact.
Copyright 2013 Raisa Stone. All rights reserved. If you wish to reprint material from this blog, contact Raisa Stone. Must be reprinted in entirety with all links and credit intact.
March 10, 2012
Email Alert!
A few of you who've requested to be on my mailing list have had your emails bounce. You've missed out on a free report, Five Things Your Pet Wants You to Know, and Animal Communication events.
Please whitelist my domain in your email program, and let me know when you've done so. I'm happy to resend the report. Domain: www.reisastone.com
Please note that subscribing to this blog does not put you on my mailing list. Blogger retains your address. If you use Hotmail, please consider opening an account with another service. Hotmail hasn't upgraded their system for years. They don't want you to know that, so they don't inform you when your emails get bounced.
Thank you for your kind attention. I don't want you missing out on Animal Communication materials. Please contact me ASAP if you haven't received them.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Yours in the love of animals,
Reisa Mary Stone
Animal Communicator
Please whitelist my domain in your email program, and let me know when you've done so. I'm happy to resend the report. Domain: www.reisastone.com
Please note that subscribing to this blog does not put you on my mailing list. Blogger retains your address. If you use Hotmail, please consider opening an account with another service. Hotmail hasn't upgraded their system for years. They don't want you to know that, so they don't inform you when your emails get bounced.
Thank you for your kind attention. I don't want you missing out on Animal Communication materials. Please contact me ASAP if you haven't received them.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Yours in the love of animals,
Reisa Mary Stone
Animal Communicator
March 09, 2012
Reisa Stone: Pet Expo was Greaaaaaat!
Thank you, everyone who came out to Vancouver Pet Expo, and attended my Talking With Animals seminar. I had a full house. Participants received answers to their questions about Animal Communication and behavior. They learned an exercise to make a profound heart connection and receive a message from a pet.
After doing this meditation, two brave souls walked up to the front and briefly communicated with others' pets from photos. It was amazing. these people were 70-90% accurate in the information they received from the pets! Thank you, Alex and April :-D
I met Exhibitors in the fields of training, nutrition, cool pet products (including hand tooled leather collars), and many rescues. I'd planned to meet every Exhibitor plus attend at least one or two seminars.
Buuuuuut, I was sidetracked by a conversation with a rescued Cockatiel. She had a yellow punk hairdo, which I admired. She hopped on my hand and looked me straight in the eye as she spontaneously told me the tale of woe that had caused her to be rescued, and we discussed her lingering behavioral issues. I think her guardian was quite startled by the information from the little tweeter.
I was so inspired by the Expo, I immediately wrote a report called, Five Things Your Pet Wants You to Know. Please contact me through my website for your free copy.
I'd like to apologize for a misunderstanding. I've heard from people who were disappointed not to receive my mail outs. Subscribing to this blog, does not put you on my mailing list. If you wish to be informed of Animal Communication events, newsletters, free reports on pet-related topics, etc., you must use a Contact form on my website.
When you submit your message, please white list my domain name, www.reisastone.com, in your email program. This ensures my messages will not be sent to Spam.
All my best to you and your pet,
Raisa Stone
Animal Communicator
March 01, 2012
Reisa Stone: Communicate With Your Pet, Part 3

You can do this on your own, or take turns guiding a friend.
Sit or lie down. Breath deeply. Let your limbs relax, and your jaw drop open.
Imagine yourself at the top of a flight of stairs. Start walking down, still breathing deeply. Count the stairs: 1, 2, 3....
You'll know when you've reached the bottom.
At the bottom of the stairs is a door. Open the door, and you will find yourself in a particular landscape. It may be a forest, a desert, or a completely unfamiliar setting.
Take your time acclimating to this place. Breath in its scents, feel the air temperature, the surface beneath your feet.
As you walk forward, you sense an animal presence. Invite him or her to come forward. This is the pet that most needs to communicate with you. He or she may be alive or in the spirit world, they may be temporarily elsewhere or permanently rehomed.
You may be surprised by which pet it turns out to be. Accept their presence. This is who you are to connect with at this time.
This pet has something to tell you. Your job is to simply listen. Invite them to speak with you whenever they feel the need. Ask them questions. Do not scold.
If you feel you need forgiveness for a misunderstanding, ask them and wait for a response. As most of us have muddled through life not hearing animals when they speak (I'm not perfect, either), I've found this to be powerful and vital part of the exercise.
When their message has been delivered, thank them for the communication.
This is one way to establish and maintain connections with spirit animals, and also create a closer bond with one in the physical. If you connect with a pet in the spirit world, don't be surprised if they visit you again, even unbidden. I'll discuss this phenomena further in future.
When your pet indicates its time for them to leave, thank them. Walk towards the door, and walk up the staircase. Let yourself come gradually out of your very relaxed state.
To solidify your experience, journal it.
This exercise may seem quite short in reading. In a workshop, I would talk you through it in a way that gives everyone ample time for each section. We would further share what we had experienced. In total, this exercise done conscientiously and thoroughly, takes anywhere from 45 minutes to two hours.
Read the first post in the Communicate With Your Pet series.
Animal Communication learning materials are available on my website.
Kind regards,
Raisa Stone
Animal Communicator
Painting: Quite a Deal, Thoroughbred stallion by Reisa Stone. You can buy Dealer on products at my Zazzle.ca store, SpiritHorses.
posts on the Animal Nation blog are copyright Raisa Stone. They
may be Shared in entirety using social media buttons. Otherwise, contact Raisa for reprint permission.
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